Welcome to Church Simplified

A simplified approach to being the church
discovering a close personal relationship with the godhead

I surrender: my will VS God’s will

In other words, God thinks eternally, while humanity thinks temporally, which explains why Jesus struggled in the garden. His human nature was wrestling with the temporal idea of dying.

Is this how you listen?

Are you willing to take one week (seven days) to interact with God through this filter, Lord, help me listen to you to understand?

The Surrender challenge

The journey has begun with some fear and trepidation (which is silly because he is the Creator God who made humanity and has a divine plan for them).

I have surrendered…have you? A second look

Photo by Jackson Summer on Unsplash I began this journey by examining the Apostle Peter and his endeavor to walk to Jesus on water. I wrote: When Peter was drowning after attempting to walk on water to Jesus, he only had time to say, Lord, save me. (This is where the...