From time to time I have posted challenges in my personal life to serve as an example of what a close personal relationship with the Godhead (or God if you prefer) looks like. What prevents me from doing this on a regular basis is the fact that I think it would be a boring post—I do not lead an exciting life. Also, the teacher in me sees all of these life-lessons causing me to journey down rabbit trails.


However, my family and I are currently experiencing a very challenging bend in our journey to a close personal relationship with the godhead, and I thought it might offer some hope, perhaps even insight, into this simple church journey.


The (brief) back-story


Shortly after beginning this journey—back then it was a journey to simple church—we were presented with an option. We could continue in our comfort zone within our journey, or venture out into the unknown, trusting God, to see what adventures lay ahead. Right or wrong (at the time we both believed it to be right) we stepped out.


Be it our decisions, or be it God’s plan, we seemingly failed miserably accumulating a large amount of debt along the way. We returned to Pensacola, Florida, and the comfort of family.


We found a Christian program that offered help, and we accepted it. We are still in the program with the light at the end of the tunnel slowly coming into view. It has been a most excitingly scary journey.


The challenge


This week my wife asked that I take a look under the hood of her van—a well-used van that has served our family for many years. I told her that she needed to go to the mechanic first thing the next morning. I prayed continuously that morning until I heard that she made it. I knew the mechanic would say she had to leave the vehicle because it was unsafe to drive—he said exactly that.


Thankfully family provided a vehicle so my wife and children could go to and from home, work, and school. The following day as we headed to the mechanic’s shop, she received a phone call—it was the mechanic.


The van was not ready because a new problem was found, that involved a serious oil leak. The news rocked us both. I wanted to shout hallelujah, but my emotions were in control rather than my spirit. I recently posted an article called Focus. It speaks to this very situation. Do I spew off at the mouth everything gushing out of my emotions, or do I keep my mouth shut and pray in my mind?


Do I trust God to honor his word concerning our welfare and well-being, or do I throw up my fist in anger blaming him for abandoning us? These are serious questions racing through my heart and soul. We are looking at hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars that we simply do not have on a vehicle that should have been put to pasture years ago. We should live closer to work instead of so far away causing wear and tear to the van.


What do you do?


A close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, is just that, a relationship. It isn’t a religious formula of rules and regulations to be dutifully followed. A close personal relationship with God is about getting to know him as Abba, or papa, it is about talking to Jesus as you would an elder brother you greatly respect. The power and presence of God the Holy Spirit—the active agent of the godhead in the earth today—are there to overwhelm you with peace and hope that everything will be okay.


Here’s the thing, I still had to go to work, work my shift, and head home. When I arrived, I was too haggard to do anything but go to bed. I slept, but not restful sleep. When I woke up, I refused to get up, instead laying in bed waiting, for God.


The presence of God the Holy Spirit did come, just enough to get me out of bed. I went into the kitchen to get some coffee—my wife awoke before I did, and ask her if we could pray. We did, our son joining in. Only then, when I spoke with my mouth that I laid down these cares and concerns at his feet, did I sense peace.


I do not know the rest of the story, it is still unfolding. I can offer you many reasons as to why this is happening, but the truth is we cannot lose for winning. We cannot go under for going over, and we cannot fail for being victorious. Those are the words I am allowing to come out of my mouth, not the ones swirling around in my head. Boy is there a lesson in that, but there goes the teacher in me.