I have been troubled this week to see articles regarding the pending doom of America. Although I have a strong sense that the United States is headed for serious decline, it bothers me to see people using this as a fear tactic in order to push people into buying a product. Such greed is one of the many shortcomings leading America to such a decline.
It is like the story of the boy who cried wolf. If enough people hear it only to see that it is not true, then they will be less likely to heed the warning when it is truly upon them.
This is one of the many reasons for having a close personal relationship with the godhead” Draw me close to you,” is the keynote of such a relationship. I am reminded of the words of a song. It goes something like this. “You, I worship you, not your blessing, not your glory, not your power, not your grace, but you, Lord I need you.” A close personal relationship is about him—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—not anything else.
It must not be forgotten that the Bible speaks clearly about the return of Christ at a set time in the future. Jesus said it will be like the days of Noah where everyone went about life as usual ignoring the cries of the prophet as radical and narrow-minded. A close personal relationship prepares you for such a time.
The willful ignorance of the masses during Noah’s time did not stop the plan of the Lord from coming to pass, precisely at the time and place he chose. The same is true today. Jesus is returning, when I cannot say; that timeline is in the hands of God the Father. The important thing is to be ready for his coming.
Jesus also tells a story about this using 10 virgins. Five of the virgins were watchful, and prepared, while the other five were not. All of the virgins were asleep when Jesus returned, a watchman—prayer intercessor—had to awaken them. The five prepared virgins followed Jesus into the banquet, while the five unprepared virgins missed out completely.
The point is that Jesus will return because the Bible—that has proven itself true and accurate time and again—declares that he will return. The early Christians believed it would happen at any time. Christians today do not hold to that belief; but does that negate his return? I believe that the answer is simply no, it does not.
Christ-followers are those desiring a close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are willing to relinquish his or her control over their lives in order to allow the fill, plan, and purposes of God to be accomplished in their lives.
This is why I have called it an unexpected journey, much Bilbo Baggins in the Hobbit movies. Like Bilbo, you accept the journey, it is not forced on you. Also like Bilbo, you have many reservations with the strings of home firmly attached. The desire to go back is never far from your lips. However, at some point on the journey, you realize its importance, so you give yourself wholehearted to it.
Jesus will return, this is certain, and a close personal relationship with the godhead will allow the Christ-follower to be ready when he does. But, a close personal relationship is about living in the passionate purpose of God in your life.
It is an exciting scary unexpected journey.