2020 will certainly go down in the history books as an unusual year. Regularly I hear people comment on how they cannot wait to have this year in their rearview mirror. Life has been disrupted on a global scale. New “normals” have emerged, such as wearing facemasks. New phrases, like, “social distancing,” are now the new “norm.” Even though the idea dates back to early biblical times, the phrase found a home in 2020.


2020 is also used to define sight. 20/20 vision means clear vision at a distance of 20-feet. It does not mean perfect vision, only that at that distance sight is clear and sharp. I find this interesting given the time in history we live.


As a Christ-follower, I hold to the belief that the supreme God, creator of all things, does not lie. I hold to the belief that a skillfully created master plan was set in motion by God in order to redeem fallen humanity. The birth, life, death, burial, and resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus the Christ, culminated that plan, resulting in the door of eternal life to be entered by any and all humanity who chooses to follow Jesus the Christ into eternal life.


I also believe that that same Jesus will return to earth to establish His kingdom rule, thus continuing the eternal plan of God that began in the Garden of Eden. The apostle Peter mentions this return of Jesus in his writings in the New Testament book bearing his name. He comments on the perceived delay of his return to mean he (Jesus) is not returning.


Peter’s argument is quite convincing. He states that the God who created all things, placing everything in a precise order, having that order written down by various people over thousands of years, then bringing that order to completion precisely as he stated, will do the same thing regarding the return of his Son, Jesus. The desire of God the Father is redemption—God is not willing that any perish—as the Apostle puts it.


A darkness is settling over the earth. This darkness has always been here, spreading even; but has grown to the point where it is now settling over the earth. The people with 20/20 vision in a natural setting will clearly see this year as the effects of global warming. The people with 20/20 vision in the political setting will clearly see this year as an all-out battle for control. However, the people with 20/20 spiritual vision will (as clearly as possible, for the Bible states that we only see in shadows) see the landscape is set up for the return of Jesus the King.


A close personal relationship with the godhead, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, will bring into focus that 20/20 spiritual vision. The Bible states in the New Testament in the writings of the apostle Paul, that all of creation groans, and travails in anticipation of the return of Jesus the King.


Is it possible that the year 2020 is the year 20/20 spiritual vision is becoming clearer, and sharper? I believe it is.