It began simple enough; we had to cut expenses. We moved from the sanctuary into the family room of the parsonage. It was only a temporary move until we could build up funds to return to the main building—or so we thought.


Something unexpected began to happen, and it happened almost immediately. This handful of people became a community of believers, almost overnight. I modified my speaking to be more of an interactive discussion rather than the classic lecture. In their own way, each member began to open up about things of God that were absolutely wonderful.


We left all the electronic equipment in the building, simply because there was no need for it. Our song service went from the performance-based model to a single guitar or sometimes acapella. At times different ones would lead out in a song, and the rest of us would simply join in.


As our numbers began to grow, the decision was made to move into the fellowship hall as opposed to the sanctuary. It was simply more intimate, more inviting than the formal setting of the sanctuary. I arranged for the room to resemble a garden, with flowers, trees, and lace; it worked.


What I have just described is the beginnings of Simple church in my last pastorate. What began as a financially necessary move, began a most unexpected journey that continues to this day. My family and I have long since moved away from that area, and almost everyone in attendance has returned to a traditional church.


I bring this up, simply because, for them, it was a special moment in time, one that continues to have a profound impact on their lives. For me and my family, it lead to another unexpected journey, a journey to a close personal relationship with the godhead. In those early days, it was simply a close personal relationship with God. The idea of drawing close to God the Father, God Son, and God the Holy Spirit never entered my mind; that is a path along the journey that presented itself several years later.


This year begins the 13th year of that journey, and in many ways, I feel as though I am just getting started. However, the things that have been learned, and the “religious-stuff” that has been both revealed, and removed from my life make it feel as though it has been a lifetime.


Dramatic change is upon the world, and America is in the beginning stages of joining the rest of the world in her experience of such changes. This is why having a close personal relationship with God, or the Lord, or the godhead, is critical. This is why having a community, like the one I just mentioned, is vitally important.


It is my prayer that everyone reading this will find the path to such a relationship with God. It is my prayer that you will find a community to connect with who will become the support needed in this time of change. It is my prayer that God the Holy Spirit is able to ignite the passion in your heart to serve him, and seek him with all of your heart. It is my hope these few words each week will serve as a beacon of hope, and encouragement to help you along the way.