Do you ever think about the person of God? He (actually, God is a spirit and neither male nor female) is triune, meaning having three parts. God the Father is a spirit, while God the Son was born in the flesh, and God the Spirit is the active agent on the earth.

It helps me to identify God this way.

God the Father is the intellect having thought, reasoning, and perception.

God the Son is the human form providing the personal connection with humanity.

God, the Holy Spirit, is the emotion, sense, and perception.

These three are one entity, much like humanity is one entity, with a mind, body, and emotions.

When I began this journey to a close personal relationship with God, I knew about the Trinity but never considered a relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I have understood God the Holy Spirit as the active agent of the Godhead from the teachings of Jesus. He spends much time on the subject in the New Testament book of John, chapters 13-17.

The Father sends the comforter (God the Holy Spirit) at the request of the Son.

Therefore, in pursuing a close personal relationship with God, I knew I would interact with the Holy Spirit, i.e., that still small voice, unspoken prompting, or sense of knowing.


Only after a couple of years into my journey did I develop a sense of distinction. It is difficult to describe, and I would be reluctant to if I could because it is a personal experience and not a defined performance.

You may never experience it, which is all right because it is a close personal relationship. I mean, it is your encounter with God or the Godhead.

You must have such a relationship.

You must have such an encounter.

It must be personal and meaningful.

The Bible says that Jesus got up before daybreak, found a quiet place, and spent time with the Father.

There is value in having an early encounter with God. For example, your mind is generally more precise, your stress level is usually low, and your attention span is usually longer.

However, it is your time, which means whatever time works best for you.

It is not a formula with a list of items to check off. It is learning how to slow down, set your heart and mind on Him, and enjoy the time—however long or short it might be.

I like the In the Garden hymn because it speaks about a close personal relationship with God.

It says that I come alone—no distractions

It says that I come early—or whenever works for you

It says the voice I hear—you come expecting to connect with God

The chorus says that he (God) walks with me, talks with me, and tells me that I am his own.

The joy we share (it is a two-way conversation) as we tarry (hang out) there, none other has ever known.

My prayer is that you begin your journey right away.

A close personal relationship with the Godhead is a journey. I invite you to follow along. I hope that as you learn, you can pass it along so that I (and others) might learn. As I learn, I will pass it along so you, too, can learn.