Early in the writings of the New Testament, you hear Jesus saying, “Follow me”. He first speaks this to a small group of fishermen, who would later become his learning companions.


Early in the writings of the Old Testament, you find the Lord walking in the garden, conversing with his prize creation, humans. As they walk, they take time to enjoy the scenery and discuss things about their newly created home, earth.


Take a moment to imagine these scenes. Creator God spending time with his creation, and Son of God, Jesus, looking for those from his creation to simply “follow him”. Creator God (God the Father) enjoyed spending time with the man and woman in the garden. Their relationship with each other, as well as with God, was perfect. The time they spent together was priceless. (check out this page: I can only imagine)


Scholars estimate that around 4,000 years passed from the garden-scene to the birth of Christ (God the Son). According to several biblical references—time does not exist in eternity—about four-days passed before Jesus shows up. The Godhead, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, could not bear not being in a relationship with humanity. It took them about four-days (according to references from the Bible) to implement a plan to restore that relationship.


Jesus (God the Son) sets the plan in motion in the most unusual way, by living nine months in the womb of a woman and being born a helpless, defenseless child. Along the way, the Holy Spirit (God the Spirit) whispers to the prophets of the day, “salvation will come, and, a child will be born”.


This exciting to me, as everything unfolds in heaven, days pass, while millennia pass on earth. The Bible speaks of God letting his prophets know what is going to happen before it happens, hence, the Holy Spirit speaks to them clues about their (the godhead) plan.


I point this out, to give you an understanding of how incredibly vested the godhead is in the life, and wellbeing of humanity. Never has his (the godhead) creation been second-place to God. Not once in the four thousand years of humanities toils and labor did the godhead forget them.


Can you imagine how patient Jesus (God the Son) had to be to utter those words, “Follow me”?

A close personal relationship with the godhead is about being close to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It is important to know that the triune God is earnestly looking for such a relationship. In the finiteness of humanity, it is easy to forget that, focusing on our desire to accomplish something.


The Bible does say that humanity plans his or her plans, but God (the triune God) directs his or her steps.


I trust this understanding brings excitement into your heart, as you realize that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, are eagerly anticipating your time together—with you!