Have you noticed the clouds lately? There have been some amazingly interesting formations showing up all over the globe. The scientific explanation is the formation of evaporated raindrops being pushed ahead of an approaching storm.  Whatever the explanation, unique shapes, and images are showing up around the globe.


It is no coincidence that events like these are mentioned in the Bible. Both the Old and New Testaments speak of wonders being seen in the skies. The New Testament accounts correlate with the rise of the antichrist and the return of the Christ.


In fact, the word wonder is defined to mean,

Something so strange that it is watched or observed.


Perhaps these wonders have been going on since the beginning of time, or perhaps they are a recent occurrence. No matter how you perceive it, it is out there for all to watch or observe—and many are watching and posting them on electronic media.


I mention this for two reasons. The first reason is the timing of these occurrences. Whether images of a soldier kneeling in prayer just after the Afghanistan situation, or images of an angel with outstretched arms just before an approaching hurricane or images of a massive city resembling that of Riven dale in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, such images are showing up everywhere.


Why is this happening? The scientific answer (as explained above) would indicate an increase of violent weather patterns. Some would argue global warming, but what history is there to validate it as more than a theory?


The Biblical reason—vehemently disbelieved by many—is a sign of the end of this age, prior to the return of Christ. This is excitingly scary. On the one hand, the long-awaited, much-anticipated return of Christ and the catching away of the righteous into eternity is an exciting thought. However, on the other hand, there is so much life to be lived, and so many things to be done, and so many that do not know Christ, that the thought is totally scary.


Is the return of Christ about to happen? I have no idea. I do know that over two thousand years of living, and dying, and suffering has gone on since the promise of Christ’s return. I do know that Jesus promised to return. I do know that he is God and that God does not lie. I also know that there is a plan and a purpose set in place by God, and it will be fulfilled as he planned it.


The second reason for bringing this up is how it relates to a close personal relationship with the godhead. There is an Old Testament proverb that says, “He keeps his eye on all who live honestly, and pays special attention to his loyally committed ones.” (The Message)


A close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, leads you to an honest life. An honest life is one where you admit that you do not have all the answers, that your ability to quote the right scripture at the right time is not a magic wand that you can wave to make things better.


An honest life leads to a committed life which means surrendering your will, plans, and purposes to that of the Father. It means wielding the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) against enemy attacks in order to thwart his plans and purposes. It means holding steady in the midst of trying, difficult situations, knowing that God is in control—not you, and certainly not the adversary, the devil.


A close personal relationship affords you the opportunity to be close enough to the godhead to understand certain things that are going on, or about to happen in life. It is by no means an insider track allowing you to take advantage of a volatile situation before it happens. It means that you sense, or have a “knowing” that something is going on.


The purpose of this “knowing” is to prepare you for whatever part you will need to play as the matter unfolds. This could take the shape of increased prayer or an influx of money or goods or services that will be needed.


Because of a close personal relationship with the godhead, you do not think that the increase is meant to be used on yourself, but rather to answer a need that is soon to arise.


Jesus is returning, sooner or later. The skies will play a role by displaying wonders, or something so strange that it is watched or observed. Those with a close personal relationship with the godhead will be positioned to be used by God to fulfill God’s plan and purpose.