I fear that the United States of America is one election away from being a Socialist nation. It could happen with the upcoming national election or the one after that, but growing evidence suggests that Americans want big government controlling their lives in exchange for “free” services. The entitlement agenda of being “owed” something for nothing, has become so deeply ingrained in American culture, that the voice of the people (more correctly stated, the mob) are screaming out for his or her next fix.
A recent survey (October 2019) asked why socialism so often results in violence, noted that “Socialism is inherently violent because it relies on plunder and ultimately seeks to control people. It leads to a kind of authoritarianism that relies on ordering people what to do. The free market offers the people choice. Centralized planning is empowered by coercion.” The survey found of the 1,700 people surveyed, nearly half (47%) believe violence is necessary in order to achieve the intended goal.
A sadness has come-over me that weighs heavy on my heart like a rain-soaked blanket. The United States that I grew up in is rapidly becoming a “phobic-riddled” outcast. Doing right is only “right” when it perpetuates a Socialist entitlement way of life.
I understand that it has always been a presence, but it has now become mainstream while morality and virtue are labeled as bad. Wishing people “well” is relegated to people who support your ideals, while those who do not are openly slandered, mocked, or flat out cursed.
In the New Testament, the Apostle Peter—along with others—speak about the “last days,” as a time of great upheaval and unrest in the earth. This means it is no surprise to see it unfolding before our very eyes. Neither is it a surprise that Jesus asks a question of Christ-followers during this time; will I find faith when I arrive? This means many of the once faithful followers of Jesus will be seduced by this powerful prevailing force of darkness.
Please understand that I am not talking in a political sense of party beliefs, but rather in the spiritual sense of honoring the godhead with righteous living. Jesus did not address the political dealings of his day other than to say to give the political order what belongs to the political order but give unto God what belongs to God.
This is where a close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit has the opportunity to brightly shine in, as well as, through the prevailing darkness. The religious leaders in the Apostle’s Peter and John could not help but relate the boldness of the apostle’s to the fact that they had been with Jesus.
What an awesome testimony, I can tell that you have been with Jesus, because of your boldness and accompanying faith in him. Perhaps now, more than any other time in history, a close personal relationship with the godhead is urgently needed; someone to counteract the ever-increasing violence in the land.