Humanity is in a global crisis. Worldwide civil unrest is on a rampage, and political leaders seem to be spinning it for their gain rather than the people’s good. The stage is being set for the introduction of the antichrist.


On Monday, July 4, 2022, America celebrates the 245th year of independence from British rule. For over two decades, America has stood for, fought, and died for humanity’s freedom across the globe.


Such turmoil began in the 1960s with the civil rights movement and an unrighteous war. Those early seeds have grown into a nation-destroying movement led by members of its government. Today, America is consumed with fighting amongst itself, calling wrong right and right wrong while attempting to redefine humanity.


We are experiencing the removal of America as the global vanguard of righteousness.


It would be scary except for the fact that the Bible speaks about such a time and the gross darkness covering the earth. The thing about darkness, though is this, the smallest illumination shines bright.


A close personal relationship with the godhead allows you, the Christ-follower, to be that shining light. It isn’t how loud you shout, pound your Bible, or hurl condemning accusations that will shine bright. Your life, witness, and testimony will pierce the darkness—even the smallest light.


I have no idea when end-time events will reach the prescribed arrival of the one called the antichrist, but I do know that the present darkness is so thick that you can feel it.


It is almost like the convergence of two worlds, much like many movies depict today. The tearing of the fabric of time is releasing evil into the earth.


As scary as that can be, the Christ-follower in a close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is ready to accept the challenge.


Depending on what you believe, the righteous will be taken away, caught up in the clouds once these end-time events begin. If that is the case, ever more, your life light must shine now. If, on the other hand, the Christ-follower stays during these events ever more, your relationship with the godhead must be strong and growing.


Humanity has entered an excitingly scary time, and religious response to it will not be enough to save anyone. Only a close personal relationship with the godhead will ensure victory.


It starts with accepting Jesus (forgive me of my sins, come into my heart). Then it continues with walking with God (as Adam did in the Old Testament book of Genesis and Jesus did in the four gospel books of the New Testament).


After that, you are getting close to him through studying the Bible, talking with other like-minded Christ-followers, and finding undeniably-he-is-alive times in your life.