As I prepared for this post, I was encouraged by the various Mother’s Day tributes for 2023. There are posts for Jewish mothers, sports mothers, celebrity mothers, law enforcement mothers, the list goes on.
However, all is not well in the world.
Preschools and daycare centers in Australia have decided that the term “mother” is “female-centric,” and should be replaced with a non-gendered word to make it more inclusive.
To make it more inclusive to what?
If you went through the pain and challenges of delivering a baby by natural or cesarean section, you are by definition, a MOTHER.
The “inclusive” word is parent or family.
A parent helps raise you—either biological or adoptive—as does a family. But a mother gave birth to you.
Thank you for indulging me in my rant.
The reality is that without a father and (especially a) mother, creation would cease to exist.
Thankfully, there are fathers and mother’s, and today is a day set aside to honor your mother, or mom, or mama.
In the craziness of this confusion in human identification, you should be especially thankful for your mom. She went through a lot to get you here. She put up with a lot to raise you, and now her position in life is being relegated to a non-gendered term.
I, for one, am thankful for my mother. I am thankful that she looked different from my father. I am thankful that she was willing to come along side when I thought I knew everything.
She was always there, always willing to listen, and offer her advice.
As you might imagine, my mother has passed away, and enjoying whatever it is that heaven has to offer her.
I saw an article that said that mom’s need friends more than flowers. Perhaps this is the ideal time to come along side your mother and listen to her, offer a hug, and maybe even a little advice.
The Bible says that children are to honor our parents. I understand that sometimes they do not deserve honoring because of wrongs (perceived or otherwise) against you or other family members.
But one thing will never change, you would not be here if not for your mother.
Forgiveness comes as a choice, and hurts can be healed through love and forgiveness. Although it does not remove the scares, it means they can serve as reminders of how not to do something.
A close personal relationship with God is about drawing close to God—as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I am thankful of my early childhood memories of my mom in prayer (my dad prayed too, but it was different) and the way she referred to God as loving, kind, and gracious.
With the unrelenting attack on humanity, and the attempted de-humanization of males and females, this Mother’s Day may be the most important one of your mother’s life.
So, celebrate her in big ways or small ways, but with all-your-heart ways.
Happy Mother’s Day!
A close personal relationship with the Godhead is a journey. I invite you to follow along. As I learn, I will pass it along so you too can learn. It is my hope that as you learn, you can pass it along so that I (and others) might learn.