The nation of Israel has always been a key player in world events. The Bible speaks about this tiny nation standing alone before the return of Jesus. I asked a friend who studies End-time Biblical prophecy if the current crisis in Ukraine means that Israel is about to stand alone during an unprovoked attack?


He said that Russia holding onto Ukraine could set in motion biblical prophecy concerning Israel, according to the Old Testament book of Ezekiel. I have no idea if this will happen, but real-life events point to the fulfillment of biblical prophecy for the first time in my life. It is both exciting and scary.


As a lifetime student of the Bible, I believe in the prophecies regarding Jesus and the end of the age. As a Christ-follower, I believe Jesus’ words that he will return. As one on this unexpected journey to a close personal relationship with the godhead, I find myself wondering if now is that time?


I do not say this to frighten anyone, but rather to encourage everyone to find the path that leads you to such a relationship. Humanity is created for such a relationship, and fallen humanity is too open to the adversary’s strategies, the devil, to give such a notion any serious thought.


The truth is religious practices often get in the way of a close personal relationship. I know because I resemble the remark. This is why I am so passionate about stressing relationship over religion or religious performance. It stole years of my life, costing me more than I care to admit.


This is also why I stress this unexpected journey. Remember, for years, I thought I was on the journey believing that my disciplined performance equaled closeness to God. Discipline is essential, but not more important than spending time with God. It does not matter if that time is in prayer, reading the Bible, or just sitting in the awareness that he (the godhead) is present.


My wife and I were recently visiting some friends. During our conversation, I became aware of God’s presence. It was as though he peered around the corner of the room, saying, “Mind if I join you?” The encounter did not take long, nor did it change the course of our conversation. For a few moments, each of us expressed our love and appreciation to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It was amazing, and then it was over.


I will be thrilled to know such encounters take place around the globe. I will have a sense of accomplishment knowing that perhaps something I said helped someone experience such a time with the godhead.


I grow with divine encounters that defy words to express. It starts with the heart, a willingness to let God take you beyond your logic. It continues with a confirmation from others that it isn’t you being foolish.