Issues, everyone deals with them; but the question is how you deal with them. The purpose of this site is to encourage people to take an excitingly scary journey to a close personal relationship with the godhead. I say godhead as opposed to “God,” because, as a triune being, God has three distinct parts—just like humanity. God the Father is the creator of all things, while God the Son is the ruler of all things, making certain that creation humanity has the opportunity to enjoy the creation of God the Father. God the Holy Spirit is the active agent of the godhead on the earth today, ensuring creation humanity finds out about the opportunities afforded humanity through the sacrifice of God the Son.
That being said, Issues, remain a challenge for all humanity—Christ-follower or not. The Apostle Paul gives instruction in the New Testament books of the Bible about dealing with these issues. The solution is simple, while the execution can be daunting, but this is where God the Holy Spirit can shine in the Christ-follower’s life.
In the New Testament book of Romans, the apostle admonishes humanity not to conform to the thoughts, ways, and actions of the vast majority of humanity. This means the anger, hatred, and destructive ways of men and women around you are not to become a part of you. (As I said, the solution is simple; the execution can be daunting) The Apostle Paul uses the word Metamorphoo—from which metamorphosis is derived.
The apostle is suggesting more than change; he advocates a complete transformation. It helps me to visualize things, so the image of the movie Transformers comes to mind. For example, Bumblebee transforms from a simple Volkswagen, to a protector warrior. It is still the same car, only different.
In like manner, the Christ follower possesses the ability to be transformed from the “issues” (caused or created by his or her surroundings) into a child of God capable of accomplishing great things. The simplicity of the solution is the action, which is a renewing, or retraining, or reprogramming of the way you think, or view situations. This is where the, often daunting, the challenge takes place.
This process takes repetition, it takes dedication, and determination because you are going against the cultural grain of your life or surroundings. There are many opportunities to fall, as well as succeed. This is where God the Holy Spirit becomes an important part of the Christ-follower’s life. He (God the Holy Spirit) will bring people into your life to help you. He will lead you to portions of the Bible to read that will give you insight on how to overcome the issue. He will provide a feeling of inner peace and confidence that the task can be completed—successfully.
Issues; we all have them. The question is how you deal with them. Perhaps this will help.