There is an animated children’s movie that I have turned to from time to time in this journey to a close personal relationship with God. It is Meet the Robinson’s, a Disney movie. One of my favorite lines is “Keep moving forward.” As the end-credits role, a quote from Walt Disney rolls across the screen: “Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious…and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

I have grabbed the idea of the quote during the challenges of walking with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I only allow myself to “look backwards” long enough to ask the Lord what I need to see, or learn, do or undo, in it. Sometimes I find instruction, but not always. Either way, I only allow it for a few moments, before moving forward.

While it is true that I am curious by nature, I have found that curiosity often turns to the Lord and how things in life work. For example, I have no clue the connection between the intimate feelings between a husband and wife and a close personal relationship with the godhead. I know that one is physical, while the other is spiritual, but how to connect them remains a mystery to me.

A Proverb, in The Message Bible, goes something like this, God delights in hiding things; Scientists delight in discovering things. This means that God hides things in order for them to be discovered. If there is no curiosity, they will be no discovery.

Therefore, reflecting to learn is healthy; but reminiscing can keep you bound up. So, take a look back, but only to glean from it, then quickly allow the curiosity of discovery to move you forward. We are living in an exciting time, with many discoveries of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit still to be found.

Perhaps, together, in 2020 we can celebrate them.