Today my family and I celebrate our son’s birthday. As I sat down to write this post, my mind flashed back to the day he was born. I recalled taking my wife to the hospital, the labor, followed by such amazing peace once he was delivered. I remember the doctor looking at him and commenting on how tall he would be—it appears he was right. Although I cannot be certain, I believe that I know the time of his conception. All of these memories rushed to the forefront of my thinking. They brought such joy to my heart.
I began to think; do you remember when you were born again? Can you recall the surroundings, the people that were present, and the thoughts and feelings flooding your very being? Do you remember the events that led up to that moment? Who were the people—or person—that spoke something into your heart that became the seed of the Word of God that grew within you until it produced the fruit of salvation in your life?
Perhaps, like me, you have children and remember their birth—or perhaps better yet, their rebirth. A joy is present in those memories. The birth of my second daughter is a horrible memory with she and her mother almost dying. However, the unspeakable joy that followed, as she lay there helpless, yet seemingly fighting to live. It was several days before her mother could travel to the hospital she was sent to. That reunion brought overwhelming joy that surpassed the pain and horror of the days before.
I bring this up because this past week has been a difficult week for me. I have struggled with finding peace because of situations arising in my life. It wasn’t until I set down to write, that all of these memories washed over my soul, bringing a comfort that, as far as heaven is concerned, it is well!
This also reminds me of the important value of the Bible. The stories it contains, are about people—just like you and me—endeavoring to walk with God in a fallen world. The Bible tells their tales of struggle, doubt and pain, as they look for God in the midst of their journey. At some point, he—God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit—shows up and all is well. If we are not careful, we read their stories without any thought of the hope they are meant to bring.
Their stories are not any different from your story, or my story. Just like us, the people in the Bible were trusting God to show up. Just like us, they had to manage day by day hoping that he would come. Unlike us, they did not have the advantage of reading ahead to see that God did indeed show up.
I suppose the point to all of this is the incredible fact that within our very being are memories that will offer hope and comfort for difficult times. When that is not enough, there are stories about a people in need of hope and comfort who found it in the same God that we call upon. The stories reveal that He showed up for them; and that He will most certainly show up for us.