“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 NIV.
The beauty of Christmas rests within this prophetic message from the Prophet Isaiah. A child is born to us—humanity; a son (of God) is given to us—all mankind. Jesus Christ most certainly came to earth as a child. His birth linked with what we call the Christmas holiday. It is a glorious time of joy and celebration.
True to religious form, debate and dissention surround the timing of Christ’s birth. It seems that religion would rather debate timing than celebrate reality. It seems that a hope-less world is intent on eliminating anything about Christ from this season. It seems that they would rather deny than celebrate.
I say this because a close personal relationship with the godhead, means celebrating over debating; it means enjoying over eliminating. A close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, is discovering the wonder and beauty of walking and talking with God. This relationship began with Adam in the Garden of Eden. The relationship was disrupted with the sin of Adam in the garden; such a relationship going on hiatus until Jesus’ arrival.
This hiatus revealed some of mankind’s desire to know God—Enoch, Abraham, Moses, etc.—but it also allowed religion—a manmade attempt to get close to God—to take hold. This is important to understand, because religion is the tool of the adversary—the devil—to dupe people into a form of relationship governed by rules and rituals rather than relationship.
Consider this
In the beginning, humanity walked and talked with God. They met together, discovered things (although God already knew them) together. The Bible declares that Adam named the animals; what a wonder that must have been. Later on—the story of Enoch—it is understood that humanity can get so close to God, that he/she can be taken into the very presence of God in heaven.
The Bible shows the many things that be done walking with God, in the life of Jesus; they are called miracles. Jesus caused water to become wine, blind people to see, deaf people to hear, dead people to come alive; all because he had a close personal relationship with God. He revealed these things as the Son of Man, not the Son of God. Jesus provides all humanity a path to follow that brings everyone willing to travel it, back into a garden-relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
So, this Christmas season, celebrate instead of debating or denying the life and love of God’s one and only begotten son, Jesus. May this Christmas season be filled with the Glory of God, the Gift of the Son, and the Grace of the Holy Spirit overflowing your hearts, lives and circumstances.