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It was late in the afternoon when Joseph and Mary entered the bustling town of Bethlehem. The evening sun was sinking fast and the shadowy images of evening began dancing around the buildings.
Joseph hurried along to the hostel in hopes of finding a room. The ordered taxing meant the town was packed with people, like them, who obeyed the emperor’s order.
Joseph found the hostel surrounded by people but made his way to the door to speak with the innkeeper.
He could hear the innkeeper telling people that he was full. When Joesph approached him, he replied, “There is no room.”
Seeing the desperation on Joseph’s face, he looked at him expecting to hear a sad story. Looking at him, Joseph said, “My wife is about to give birth,” as he pointed to Mary who was clearly in pain.
The inn-keeper turned to walk away as he abruptly said, “I’m sorry, there is no room,” then he paused. He turned back to face Joseph giving him a long hard look.
Joseph stood there, panicking on his face, waiting to hear what the innkeeper had to say.
I can offer you this, leaning towards Joseph, he whispered in his ear, “I will let you stay in stables, but be quiet about it. I don’t want everyone else thinking they can stay there too.”
Stunned, Joseph looked back at Mary. He could see the anguish on her face. “I’ll take it,” he said.
He rushed back to Mary who still sat on the donkey. Grabbing the donkey he said, “We have a place,” and headed toward the stable.
Once he arrived, he helped his wife off the animal explaining to her that it was the only option.
“We will make the best of it,” he said. “There is straw for a bed, and the heat coming from the animals will keep us warm through the night.”
Mary managed a smile as she slowly walked alongside her husband.
“I know it isn’t much Mary, but it is better than being in the open night air. I am here to take care of you,” he told her trying to put on a happy front.
Mary looked at him and said, “Joseph, it will be fine. The Lord will take care of us. Please get me some water,” she said, “I am thirsty.”
It wasn’t long before her contractions began coming more rapidly and with more pain.
Just then her water broke. She stood there, stunned, calling out to Joseph who was scurrying around to tidy up the room.
Before long, the promised Messiah would be wrapped in shepherds’ cloth and placed in the hollowed-out stone water trough.
There was no room at the inn
As strange as it may seem, God planned it this way, on this night.
Joseph and Mary were precisely where they needed to be at the time they needed to be there.
This is a powerful life lesson. Sometimes your destination seems like a mistake, a wrong turn, or a misunderstanding in communication.
For the Christ-follower, it will likely be the very place you are supposed to be.
Our human nature would cry out for comfort, or another location. We might even complain about how unfair it is. But you must push through those thoughts to find the purpose of God in the journey.
Joseph thought the purpose of the journey was to pay taxes, however, the true reason was to fulfill biblical prophecy.
Let me encourage you to take a moment to examine your surroundings and ask the Father what you are supposed to see, hear, or do there. Perhaps your journey brought you to the right place at the right time, for the prophecy-fulfilling reason of your life.
Sometimes in our lives, the Godhead shows up seeking shelter, and was say to him, “There is no room.”
These can be critical times with life-altering ramifications.
Perhaps you have turned your back on God, or you have grown to lack in your relationship with him.
Perhaps there is great danger approaching you, and the Godhead is attempting to warn you about a course correction.
Perhaps there is a great reward coming your way, and there are specific instructions you need to be aware of so you do not miss it.
No room in the inn speaks of a full heart. In this case, it is a heart that is full of things that need to be emptied so you can receive something or be warned about something.
If your heart is filled with so many things, you will not be able to receive God and the things he has for you.
This could be as fundamental as salvation—emptying your heart of bitterness, anger, resentment, and unforgiveness—or as life-altering as a promotion.
If your heart is too full, there will not be room to receive what God has intended you to have.
How to empty your heart
You empty your heart by an act of your will.
You choose to forgive,
To bless rather than curse,
To let go rather than hold on to it.
You ask God to show you who to talk to, or what to let go of.
You ask him to forgive you and to bless those who wronged you.
A close personal relationship with the Godhead is needed now more than ever.
A close personal relationship with the Godhead is a journey. I invite you to follow along. As I learn, I will pass it along so you too can learn. I hope that as you learn, you can pass it along so that I (and others) might learn.
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