Happy Valentine’s day.
I trust love is in the day—as well as your life—on this day set aside to celebrate love.
I have anticipated writing this post because of what I wrote about last week regarding my personal life. There are three important items from that post that need to be mentioned. One, I mentioned that we found a Christian program that offered help. Two, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel—although it is about two-years down the road. Three, the financial need for my wife’s vehicle.
To begin, the hundreds of dollars in repair has corrected the problem. The mechanic said it was a back-handed blessing because a potentially larger problem was discovered and averted. The issue of payment was resolved because an overpayment of a utility bill—and subsequent return of payment—covered the cost.
The refund was coming whether the expense on the vehicle happened or not; however, the timing of the refund—we had no idea—relative to the repairs was either a nice coincidence or the provision of God taking care of us. Just for the record, my family and I chose to believe the latter.
The challenge
The other two items mentioned, came rushing to the forefront when a letter was received informing us that we have until October of this year to transition out of the program—about two-years short of the “end-of-the-tunnel” light I spoke about.
I want to point out two lessons that are hiding within this challenge. The first being that the program is called a Christian program. The reality is that the program is a religious program under the Christian religion.
Consider this—and learn a lesson.
A religious program is governed by a set of rules, regulations, and stipulations. There is nothing wrong with this, it is the rule of business. Something in our family profile has triggered a notice that we are at the end of the program. Another way of looking at it is to say, “It isn’t personal, it’s business.” In other words, it is the law, and it is either black or white.
To bring the title Christian to anything, program or otherwise does not mean that the above-stated rules and regulations are not in place—the Old Testament clearly teaches that they are there for our (Christ-follower) protection. The difference is—because of Jesus—grace is the order of the day. This means that there will be a human element added to the equation. In other words, the law is black and white, but grace makes allowances based on the heart of the one extending the grace—in this case, God.
Jesus tells a story of a servant who owes his master a huge sum of money. When called to account for his debt, the servant falling on his knees cries out for mercy and patience while the debt is repaid. Moved by the servant’s (apparent) sincerity, the master forgives him of the debt. Later that day the forgiven servant finds a man who owes him a few dollars. The man likewise cries out for mercy and time to repay the debt. The servant would have nothing to do with that, instead having the man thrown into jail.
Hearing of the incident, the master calls for the servant, coming down hard on him because of his unwillingness to show this man grace as the master showed the servant. The master then reversed his decision throwing the servant into jail until every penny owed was paid in full.
Religion says that there is only black or white, you did wrong so you must be punished. Again, there is nothing wrong with that. However, Christian implies that Jesus is involved, which means grace must now be employed to determine the outcome. If Jesus chooses grace, then grace it must be. Religion cannot make room for that; it is either black or white.
I pray that God the Holy Spirit allows your eyes, ears, and heart to be open to see this important lesson. Someone without a close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, will only see “Christian” on the packaging, and therefore draw an incorrect conclusion about Jesus when religion follows the law to the letter.
The exciting part of this journey
Finally, this decision means that we have to find two years ‘ worth of income by October—a sheer impossibility unless you have a close personal relationship with the godhead.
Stay tuned!