Welcome to Church Simplified

A simplified approach to being the church
discovering a close personal relationship with the godhead

Light in a hopeless world

I would love nothing more than to be wrong about this doom and gloom stuff, but oh how I pray to be right about the life and light of the Christ-follower in today’s hopeless world.

This age of Grace

I bring this up because what if the time of the end of the age of grace is finally here? What if the words of Jesus to his disciples in the New Testament book of John are about to come true?

He’s alive

He’s alive, and I’m forgiven, Heaven’s gates are opened wide. Happy resurrection day. Celebrate it with someone in your world who is teetering on hopelessness.

A close personal relationship

This is one of the many reasons for having a close personal relationship with the godhead” Draw me close to you,” is the keynote of such a relationship.

They are more than words

One is simply words—good words, God words even, but just words. The other is the sword of the Spirit, quick, powerful, and effective in defeating the enemy.