Welcome to Church Simplified

A simplified approach to being the church
discovering a close personal relationship with the godhead

In His hands

It is what I call, excitingly scary. As a triune being, my reborn spirit embraces this life with much excitement, while my soulish—mind, will, and emotions—part of me is often scared beyond measure.  

The path less traveled

I am talking about an attitude that is part of my “old sinful self.” God the Holy Spirit is endeavoring to assist me in putting to death something that resonates within my DNA. It is a natural, or carnal, part of my being that has no place in the kingdom of God the Son.

The path less traveled

This path is nothing new, in fact, I believe that I will be able to make a case for the Apostle Paul traveling down it. However, it is a path that I imagine few will find, and even fewer will dare to venture down.


Issues; we all have them. The question is how you deal with them.