Welcome to Church Simplified
A simplified approach to being the church discovering a close personal relationship with the godhead
Mother’s Day
On the other hand, a mother and child often hold such an intimate relationship without sexual connotations. Jesus had such a relationship with his earthly mother, Mary.
These uncertain times
It is true that uncertainty abounds on a global scale. However, having a close personal relationship with the godhead means facing the uncertainty with a calmness that is often unsettling to an uncertain world.
A Close Personal Relationship
The Bible speaks about a “falling-away” at the end of time; people walking away from God, that once walked with him. Jesus experienced the same while on earth.
What if God is using this time in world history
It is my hope that this modern marvel of “social distancing” has enabled your eyes, ears, and heart to more clearly see, hear, and accept the presence of the Lord in your lives. What if God is using this time in world history, to brighten the light of his own?
The Death, The Burial, and The Resurrection
The resurrection sets in motion very important kingdom affairs, because it releases God the Holy Spirit as the active agent of the godhead on the earth. The resurrection had to take place.
The birds preached me a sermon
The Message Bible describes it something like this. “The field preached me a sermon, and I listened.” I thought, “These birds are preaching me a sermon. I better listen.”