Welcome to Church Simplified

A simplified approach to being the church
discovering a close personal relationship with the godhead

He went over everything

This should offer some encouragement. You might be in the “awkward few minutes” part of a close personal relationship, but you are in a relationship. If that is the case, be encouraged for what lies ahead.

The world on lockdown

Draw me close to you, and position me to hear you and to be available for you when you need me, are prayers I pray often. There is a plan and purpose in all of this.


The closer you get to the godhead, the more attuned you become to his direction for your life. God has a plan and a purpose for your life. The plan includes both the temporal as well as the eternal.

I have decided

At first, I thought I needed to completely rewrite the manuscript to reflect those views. I have since come to understand that my journey might be the discovery—perhaps even rediscovery—that someone else might need in order to begin his or her own journey.

I have decided

The point is, Peter’s relationship with the Lord was becoming stronger. This is what enabled Peter to keep making decisions to follow the Lord. This lack of strength of a relationship is what caused the other disciples to decide to walk away.

Follow Me

A close personal relationship with the godhead is centered on the plowed soil of your heart. It starts with the willingness to respond. The process may be slow, but the willingness never changes; in fact, it gets easier.