Welcome to Church Simplified

A simplified approach to being the church
discovering a close personal relationship with the godhead

Follow me

A Christian song in the 1990s spoke about time to make a change. As I recall, a line in the song said, and we are the people who can do it. The life of a Christ-follower is about change. The Apostle Peter encountered change that day at the lakeside when Jesus said,...

Follow me

Three things that must be in place in order to listen to instruction. To begin with, your heart must be open to hearing something that your mind disagrees with. If you do not have an open heart in the matter, you naturally defend your belief or action. The words you hear are passing through the filter of your defense mechanism, and there only be one outcome—to defend your position.

Follow me

This oversimplified illustration of anatomy is used in every process of our human existence. In the story of Peter and his brother, they hear a man speaking some words. Those words resonate in their brain, triggering a positive thought or feeling. This thought or feeling prompts them to an action, in this case, to follow.

Follow me

The unexpected journey began for Peter and his brother Andrew when Jesus approached them that day on the lakeside, asking them to follow him.

Follow me

Consider the importance of these two words, follow me. To begin with, Peter has to be close enough to Jesus to hear him utter them. This is what a close personal relationship with the godhead is all about; it is the ability to hear his voice speaking to you.

Keep moving forward

So, take a look back, but only to glean from it, then quickly allow the curiosity of discovery to move you forward.