Welcome to Church Simplified
A simplified approach to being the church discovering a close personal relationship with the godhead
Merry Christmas
The Bible shows the many things that be done walking with God, in the life of Jesus; they are called miracles. Jesus caused water to become wine, blind people to see, deaf people to hear, dead people to come alive; all because he had a close personal relationship with God.
It is time to make a change?
Even though the church has embraced modern technology, with live streaming, online giving, and archived sermons, the emphasis remains on sustaining the structure.
Give Thanks
The Bible speaks of the end-of-time, as a period when righteous living is thrown to the wayside; being replaced with momentary pleasures. It speaks of people forsaking what is tried and true, with popular culture. Sadly, this holiday—Thanksgiving—has not escaped...
A day to rest
In January of this year, I wrote about a new leg of our journey. I wrote about the importance of taking a Sabbath, a day of rest. For Christians, a Sabbath is on Sunday. It means attending church. When God introduced the Sabbath to Moses, it was for taking...
This is the Day
Even though this encounter only lasted a few minutes, it was awesome!
Joy will give you strength
Therefore, the answer is to cry out to God, “I need your strength! And because I need it now, I am going to offer the best praise to you that I can muster! So, he-he, ho-ho, ha-ha!”