Welcome to Church Simplified
A simplified approach to being the church discovering a close personal relationship with the godhead
To Stand Between
I will not know for certain until I step into eternity, but it gave me comfort that a very dear friend might be spending eternity in heaven because I allowed the Holy Spirit to “intercede” for his salvation.
The truth is, we cannot loose for winning; we cannot go under for going over; and we cannot be defeated for being victorious!
Steadily Trust in God
This steady trust leads to unswerving hope. Taking on a lion, as unheard of as it was, was one thing, but to take on a bear, who can do such a thing, only God. But now a giant, whose leg is bigger than David’s whole body.
Memories with a purpose
This also reminds me of the important value of the Bible. The stories it contains, are about people—just like you and me—endeavoring to walk with God in a fallen world.
The unexpected journey: Being desperate for God
The point is that a desperate heart is an open heart; and an open heart is more readily willing to hear the voice of God the Holy Spirit.
The event goes on
My hope is that Christ followers will open his and her heart to feel the tug of God the Holy Spirit, calling them into something more.