Welcome to Church Simplified

A simplified approach to being the church
discovering a close personal relationship with the godhead

The unexpected journey: The Arrival

The commotion caused many of them to come running to find the place where this wind came through. Upon arrival, they were shocked to find no damage to any structure, only men and women—about 120 of them—with uplifted hands in joyous celebration, crying out glorious praises to God in their native languages.

I sense a change taking place

I know it sounds too simple, but that is what simple church—another part of this unexpected journey—is about, being the called out, rather than doing rituals.

The unexpected journey

I have called this an unexpected journey for several reasons. The first reason being that it never crossed my mind that I needed to take a journey. The invitation came out of the blue, catching me by surprise. This is why I compare it with Bilbo Baggins of The Hobbit...

Don’t let the dailies get to ya

The good life is one where the necessary things of life are done with enough time to enjoy the presence of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit on a daily bases.