Welcome to Church Simplified
A simplified approach to being the church discovering a close personal relationship with the godheadThe beautiful life of a Christ-follower, conclusion
I began this study by asking if you have ever been in an impossible situation.
The beautiful life of a Christ-follower Pt.2
Do you suppose choosing to operate in patience based on biblical information inputted into your mind would help you be patient?
Is it time to ditch Mother’s Day?
May you be honored and respected with the love of your children, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
The beautiful life of a Christ-follower
But how do you apply this impossible situation to the beautiful life of a Christ-follower?
The resurrected life: are you sure you want it? Part 4
And then, after getting them established, he stayed with them to the end, gloriously completing what he had begun
The resurrected life: are you sure you want it? Part 3
They expect life to be better over there (in heaven). It is true life will be better, but a resurrected life is not doom and gloom in this life.