The holiday season is officially upon us. The madness of early Christmas shopping is in full swing, although the craziness of this year has drastically altered how it is done. I spoke with an avid Black Friday shopper who told me that she shopped as usual, only without lines.


This year has come to be defined by the wearing of masks, new phrases, like “social distancing, and the acceptance of civil unrest. Some don their masks in dutiful fashion, while others deliberately defy socially conforming. Gathering in large groups is unacceptable, except in matters of civil unrest—people must be allowed to express themselves, so we are told. People are attacking other people simply because of differing points-of-view.


Nature has erupted with massive fires, a record-breaking hurricane season, and earthquakes becoming a common occurrence. Blizzard conditions have already hit parts of the United States, while other parts experience record heat.


It has been a most unusual year, but what does all of it mean? Is it simply indicative of the year, is it some well-organized plot to control the world, or is it simply the signs of the times?


The Bible speaks clearly of these things in a given time frame of humanity’s existence. Jesus is talking with his disciples, telling them things that will happen at a time called the end-of-the-age. He describes the very things we are living out in the world today.


The sum-total of this message is that Jesus will return to earth. He will come for a brief moment to gather his elect—the ekklesia or called out—then again during the one-thousand-year reign.


In his writings, the Apostle Paul in the New Testament said, “that I may know him,” or be intimate with him. This “knowing” or being intimate with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is what a close personal relationship is about. It is about learning how to spend time reading the Bible, talking with him, listening for his voice, and being patient when you do not. This close personal relationship is key in being ready to receive Jesus at the time of his return—whenever that will be.


Jesus makes it clear that the day or hour of his return is only known by God the Father. His conversation with the disciples in the New Testament book of Matthew, also make it clear that Christ-followers will know the season of time this event will take place. In another place, Jesus tells the disciples that when these things happen to be on the ready for his return.