I awoke one morning this week with the words “Something has changed,” rolling off of my lips. I immediately began looking for the change but found nothing. While praying I was reminded of something Jesus said to the Apostle John while in exile for his testimony of Christ.


Jesus sent his angel to the apostle with a massive revelation about the end of time on planet earth. He speaks about marvels and mysteries, and things difficult to understand. The angel speaks to John about wrath, and judgment, the culmination of all things. As the angel finishes giving the apostle the revelation, John falls on his face in worship of the angel. The angel quickly stops the apostle pointing out that he too is a servant of the Lord.


The angel then makes a profound statement, he states, “Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.” (Revelation 22:11 New International Verison)


Consider this, it is the time of the end and the angel says let people continue doing whatever they are doing! There are people doing wrong, being nasty and vile, doing right, and being holy; let them keep it up.


In other words, look around you, do you see people being bad, they will continue to do so. Are you seeing people being mean, cruel, and nasty, don’t worry, they will not stop. On the other hand, the people who are righteous and living a holy life will continue to do so.


One day Jesus spoke with his disciples regarding the end of the age, comparing it to the days of Noah entering the ark. People were living life just as they ever had, nothing changed. The only difference is that the time to repent and turn your life around had come to an end. It was time to get into the ark, but only righteous Noah and his family were aware of the change.


This means that at the time of the end, the change that takes place is the fulfilling of God the Father’s timetable, the righteous will be aware of it and be ready for the return of God the Son.


This is why a close personal relationship is so important. It prepares you to know God, and be attuned to the changes in time that mark the return of his son. You do not want to miss that mark.