I awoke this morning to the news about, yet another, killing by police of a man of color. The sad reality is that such hatred is not new, nor is it uncommon; it is simply history repeating itself. The difference is the fact that because of instant media coverage, it is magnified, worldwide.


It saddens my heart that “powers that be” are manipulating the unrest to accomplish some unrighteous agenda. The Bible tells us that in the last days, there will be those to follow their own selfish desires. Reports have surfaced that professional “hits” have taken place on a variety of people. The question as to why has many possible answers. Other reports indicate that various “hate” groups are paying individuals to stir up discord in order to gain media attention; again with many possible reasons as to why.


Then there is the self-righteous finger-pointing as to why this is happening. Some point fingers at racist law enforcement—and they are correct; while others point fingers at racist perpetrators’—they too are correct. People are pointing fingers at government—again correct—while government point fingers at various groups of people.


No one is pointing a finger at the true nature of this ongoing problem, the enemy of humanity. The Bible calls him the devil, or Diablo, the deceiver. He has been around since the beginning of human existence, whispering his lies into the ears of God’s created being, man and woman.


Since the time of the great fall that caused the first couple to leave the paradise garden, humanity has endured the lies of the devil. The Bible is very clear as to why this happens, as well as how to prevent it.


To begin with, unresolved anger, foolish ignorant arguments, and strife are breeding grounds for lies and deception. Think about it, how many lies have you heard, or foolishness have you seen, and how many ignorant arguments are you hearing?


Each of these is a characteristic of the devil. He (the devil) operates in the lives of people who are flooded with these thoughts and feelings to the point of being consumed by them. Think about this: there is no way he could pull this off on his own. However, if he found ten people with unresolved anger in his or her heart, he could manipulate them to do his bidding. If he found 100-people full of strive and given to ignorant arguments, he could start a movement; while he sat on the sidelines perpetuating their inner pain with his lies and deception.


The fact that technology allows someone to capture such actions on video, sending it off to a media outlet, who in-turn broadcasts it for millions to see, only reinforces the devil’s agenda. What a perfect storm, because now the masses—who would never act out his or her anger—sympathize with those who are, gives motivation to the cause. This empowers the media because telling their stories validates their coverage of the event.


I hope you realize how this is describing a person without a close personal relationship with God the Father—who is love, and God the Son—the object of love, and God the Holy Spirit—the giver of love. No one has ever, or will ever, come to God without some, many, or all of these characteristics in operation in his or her life; they are the byproduct of fallen humanity that allowed the devil entrance in the first place.


The love that covers the many, many sins of fallen humanity enables humanity to be cleansed from that those sins, allowing him or her to be set free from them. A continued relationship—what I have called a journey—ensures those sins never again control the Christ-follower.


Please realize what you and I are seeing each time we read about, or watch, or hear about the unrest, the injustice, and the evil (although never called that) this is happening in our country and around the world; realize that we are seeing the work of the adversary the devil. Stay alert, remain humble, thereby strengthening you to resist, or stand against these strategies of the devil.