It appears that I have come upon a new path on my journey to a close personal relationship with the godhead. I hesitate to say anything because it is still very new, but I thought it worthy of mentioning.


I like the analogy of a journey, because it is like a path-less-traveled, that I stumbled upon. I have been amazed at the number of discoveries that I have made by walking down a path that I normally drive. “Oh, I didn’t know that was there,” or “How long has that been there,” are comments I often find myself making.


This path is nothing new, in fact, I believe that I will be able to make a case for the Apostle Paul traveling down it. However, it is a path that I imagine few will find, and even fewer will dare to venture down.


It began a few weeks ago when I was being confronted with a family change. I was becoming perplexed by the fact that it seemed as though God had abandoned me. Knowing that is not, nor will never be the case, I knew I had to broaden my scope of understanding in order to find an answer.


A thought ran through my mind (God, the Holy Spirit at work) of a verse of scripture in the New Testament. Once I looked up the scripture, I saw that the Apostle Paul wrote it. In fact, he mentions it twice in the same letter. He states that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that you do not belong to yourself.


What does the Bible mean that “I do not belong to myself”? This is a study that will become a page on the site. You will be the first to know once it is posted. The next thing the Apostle Paul mentions is what your body must do. “For God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” (I Corinthians 6:20)


Of course, the “high-price” he speaks of, is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (God, the Son). The second part of the verse is the entry point of this less-traveled path. “So you must honor God with your body.” How do you “honor” God with your body?



Secondly, the apostle states, “God paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world.” (I Cor. 7:23) What does it mean to be “enslaved” by the world? I will delve into these questions, finding the answers to relay.


I suspect that these answers will support my earlier statement that few will dare journey down this path. It sounds like a journey of self-denial; which is rarely a path most traveled.