I watched a movie this week entitled Big Fish. There is a scene where the main character leaves the road to walk down a rarely traveled path. At first, the path is easy to travel but quickly becomes a spider-web infested swamp. Determined to find out where it leads, he pushes his way through, eventually coming to a grassy opening leading to a quaint town.


I mention this scene from the movie because it depicts my journey this week. Last week I found the path, making the decision to travel it. At first, it was easy, but that quickly changed as my will—as opposed to His will—began expressing its desire to go another direction. Allow me to explain.


It is in the little things—its almost always the little things—that have challenged me this week. For example, someone said something to me that rubbed me the wrong way. I have no idea if they had any idea they had done so, or if they intended to do so, and that isn’t the point, they said it, and I immediately wanted to react. I could feel the blood pressure rising, the nostrils flaring, and the pupils dilating as the words began forming in my mouth. The difference (enter God the Holy Spirit) in this particular case is that the words of the Apostle Paul came rushing into my mind; “God bought you with a high price, so honor him with your body.” Ouch! This encounter happened within a millisecond, and it prompted me to pause just long enough, to formulate (again, enter God the Holy Spirit) a response.


Understand how important this is. By heading down this path, I have given the godhead, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, permission to change anything within me that is not beneficial for the king (Jesus, God the Son) or his kingdom. I could easily build a case of how my behavior is simply part of my DNA, being wired this way, so what is the problem? This attitude is what is being addressed.


At that moment, I had to make a very important decision; continue along the path I have walked most of my life, or follow this new path with the journey it lays out before me. In this particular case, I chose the latter. I say in this case, because later in the week, I let it rip on a guy—it is a journey, not a destination.


The Apostle Paul states “the old self has been put to death through Jesus Christ.” In another place, he puts it this way, “our old sinful self has been put to death through Jesus Christ.”


This can get involved, and that is not the intent of this post, but it must be clear that I am NOT addressing being angry or upset. The Apostle Paul also writes, “In your anger, do not sin.” I am talking about an attitude that is part of my “old sinful self.” God the Holy Spirit is endeavoring to assist me in putting to death something that resonates within my DNA. It is a natural, or carnal, part of my being that has no place in the kingdom of God the Son.


At this point in my journey, I am past blatant sins of lust, envy, greed, etc.; this is not to say that those things are not present, they simply do not have the hold on my life they once did.


I suppose this path could be likened to a deeper cleansing of my inner-life, thus preparing me for kingdom (eternal) things as opposed to earthly (temporary) things.


I have yet to complete the story I mentioned in the last post on this matter. I trust it will bring greater clarification on the matter. Until then, be blessed, be happy, and keep on the path.