Who would have thought that the world would be on lockdown because of a virus? Yet, here we are. I trust you are safe, protected, and at rest in the presence of the Lord. The Bible speaks about many things happening on a global scale at the end of time. I do not know where on the spectrum humanity is concerning that, but I am certain that “signs” the Bible speaks about are present. In fact, books and videos are abundant on the subject.


What, if anything, does this have to do with a close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit? (I am so glad you asked! J) Finding that intimate relationship with the godhead is no guarantee of an inside scoop on life. It is a resting place when the stuff (we call it Ship High In Transit) of life happens.


A close personal relationship enables you to remain confident in the midst of chaos. This confidence shines like a light in darkness in your world. This light brings people to you; people who are asking for answers, or escape from fear, or panic. In times like these, your confidence becomes an opportunity to offer hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless, and comfort to the comfortless.


The beauty of a close personal relationship with the godhead is that you will simply open your mouth and speak to anyone who asks. The words coming from your mouth, touching their ears, will offer hope, help, and comfort. You do not need a “crisis manual” with a script to read or attend a semester of classes teaching you how to do this.


Your life—because of a close personal relationship—will be all the training you need. God the Father, or God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit, will give you the words to speak the moment they need to be spoken. Any nervousness you may have will melt away the moment you open your mouth—God will speak through you.


The Bible tells a story about the Apostle Peter going to the temple to pray. A crippled man cried out that he should help him. Peter looked at the man, then spoke words to this effect, “I do not have money, but I give you what I do have, in Jesus’ name, get up and walk!” The man did.


Do you think the reason Peter stood there was to give him time to review in his mind, “what do to if you meet a crippled man”? Of course not, Peter simply opened his mouth and God the Son gave him the words to speak. How awesome is that! Do you suppose that Peter woke up that morning, placing on his “To Do” list, meet a cripple man and pray for him? Peter was doing what Peter normally did.


Draw me close to you, and position me to hear you and to be available for you when you need me, are prayers I pray often. There is a plan and purpose in all of this. Walking with God is not some “feel-good” sensation or some inside track to getting what you want when you want it. There is an eternal plan that God desires to put in place for each of his children. Once that plan is in place, there is a temporary (while on earth) plan that he desires to unfold.


Sadly, religion focuses on the temporary as a way to attract people. This could explain why so many are deeming the “church” irrelevant today. Since religion is a manmade attempt to get close to God, it will not be found in eternity. Since humanity will live longer in eternity than in the temporary, it makes sense to take care of that side of life first.