Today I updated—long over due—Word of God Speak, dealing specifically with the New Testament books of Galatians and Ephesians. There is much more to come as I read through these letters of the Apostle Paul. I suppose that I have reached a place in my journey where the Word of God is being opened to me to see things that I have not seen before. This is so true given the fact that the Word of God is alive, ready to speak to anyone ready to listen to it.


This is important to understand in this unexpected journey to simple church. As you may have gathered, there are two distinct paths on this one journey. On the one path is an understanding of simply “being” the church, or ekklesia—the called out. This journey leans itself to the second path of discovering a close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


In many ways, the second path will become the primary path, because in becoming closer to the godhead, the understanding of “simple church” naturally evolves. I will say, at least in some part, that the intercession that I a talking about, plays an important role in whatever is to come.


To intercede means, to stand between. The idea of intercession is to stand in the gap, between good and evil. The Old Testament prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah speak of intercession in the books bearing their name. Isaiah uses it in reference of Christ, the coming Messiah, while Jeremiah speaks of the Children if Israel.


In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul uses the word in reference to God the Holy Spirit “interceding for the saints of God. It has been my experience that some Christ followers have a sensitivity in the Holy Spirit to sense this intercession, and thereby pray—much like the story of my friend. I have come to understand that God the Father uses this to pray for humanity. One evening I experienced such a sensation to fervently pray for a friend that I had not seen in several years. It was an intense time of prayer, a battling, if you will. It lasted for nearly an hour; then as quickly as it came upon me, it left.


I found out sometime later that he had been in a terrible car accident—at that same time—and died. At first, I was confused, wondering why I went through such an intense time of prayer, only to learn that he died. It was not until sometime later that it was brought to my attention that perhaps, I was praying for his acceptance of Christ as his savior before his death.


I will not know for certain until I step into eternity, but it gave me comfort that a very dear friend might be spending eternity in heaven because I allowed the Holy Spirit to “intercede” for his salvation.


I mention this story because the intercession that I am currently experiencing is, at times, that intense. As I mentioned earlier, I have a sense—with no proof as to why—that is has something to do with simple church.


It is also my belief, that many others across the globe are experiencing the same. Once again, I have no proof of what I am saying, only an inner feeling, that what I am saying is true.


I began this post mentioning the update to Word of God Speak, a page devoted to insights about the various books of the Bible, both Old and New. In reading the letters of the Apostle Paul, I see—for the first time—the unfolding of simple church in his writings. Those insights will find their way onto the Word of God Speak page in the days and weeks ahead.