Getting to know God in a close personal way is truly amazing. Consider how incredible it actually is. I speak English, I have friends who speak Spanish or some African languages, and God understands each of us as we speak to him. Maybe he uses a universal language translator to overcome the language barrier, or maybe (because he created language) he understands them all.


I recently had a dream—no idea why—where I was sitting in a tree overlooking a park with a nearby lake. Sitting next to me was an A-lister actor (first name Dave) and we were just hanging in the tree talking about “stuff.” How cool would that be, best buds with a really famous person? And yet, we can be.


A close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is the most important relationship you will ever have. Throughout the Bible are stories of men and women who are close to God, Joseph, Moses, Esther, Deborah, David, Peter, Paul to barely touch on the list.


Each of these people had such a relationship with God that he told them about things to come, people to meet, or people who were coming to meet them. He spoke to them about how to protect themselves, and those who followed them. In other words, they were hanging in the tree overlooking the beautiful scene of eternity while having deep meaningful conversations about life.


Remember that God is eternal, which means humanity is also eternal. Such a close relationship is not meant for an earthly moment only, but an eternal life as well. When the Apostle Paul utters the words that I may know him, (Jesus, God the Son) he was yearning for a close personal relationship with the godhead; I dare say that he found it.


The purpose of this site—the blog and various articles—is to assist anyone willing to take such an unexpected journey to a close personal relationship with God. And, it is a journey, a slow arduous grinding unexpected journey. This is important for modern (no longer limited to Western) civilization to understand. You will not jump in the car for a quick spin to the store. You will walk, sometimes very slowly, uphill in the snow while meeting adversaries along the way.


Jesus said it this way, that there are two roads, a broad highway, and a narrow walking path. The vast majority will choose the former, while those looking for a close personal relationship with the godhead will choose the latter. It isn’t for everyone, but for those willing, perhaps I can be of assistance.