“Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Genesis 6:5 NKJV


Wow! What an indictment, “every intent of his thoughts (meaning the race of humans—male and female) was only evil”—continually.


About one day (the Bible says that one day with God is like one thousand years) into project humanity, mankind has already turned their back on God, becoming completely wicked.


Is it any wonder that depths of wicked evilness are broadcast daily on the nightly news five thousand years later? For a long time, such evil was held at bay in the United States, but that has passed, as it spreads like a thriving fungus across the land, leaving hatred, scorn, and heartbreak in its wake.


No wonder the Psalmist David (Israel’s second King) cries out: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.: Psalms 139:23 NIV


David—like me (and perhaps you)—knew the potential of his heart to do evil. He understood the solution to be total surrender to God and his ways.


The Apostle Paul acknowledges God’s thoughts about David in the New Testament book of Acts. He describes David as, “‘I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.” Acts 13:22 NLT


God sent Jesus


Willingly making the sacrifice, Jesus, God the Son, undertook the task of being born of humanity. He lived, suffered, and grew as a man with a single purpose in his earthly life—to redeem humanity back to God.


His death, burial, and resurrection paved the way for you and me to come into the presence of almighty God.


However, mankind had already fallen, and returning to God was not a magical transformation from evil to good. As king David noted, the potential for evil is ever present in the heart of humanity.


The Bible uses many adjectives to describe the journey. Words like endure, hardship, pain, suffering, and temptation. The post-Adamic state of humanity is lazy, looking for the easy way out. The quick fix and get on with life model does not exist in the kingdom of God. It is a ploy of the adversary, the devil, but not a reality of the Christ-follower.


What is the condition of your heart?


It starts and ends with the heart of man (the species—male and female).


1—your heart is continuously evil


It isn’t your fault. It is the result of the original sin.


2—you are not required to live with an evil heart


Jesus paid the price so you can make a change.


3—your part is:




The part you play is vital. You first acknowledge the presence of evil. Then you acknowledge

your inability to save yourself. (many have tried, but none have or will ever succeed)




It is incredible how difficult surrendering is. There is something in the DNA of humanity to

fight and win. In this case, surrendering is winning.




There is no snap-your-finger change in your journey. Once you surrender, you set your heart

to do what it takes to get from here to there. Think of it like boot camp. If you have ever been

to one—military or otherwise—you understand what is expected. You do not enter boot camp

expecting to fail. It is not in your DNA.

Like Israel’s King, you realize the potential for continued evil and cry out to the Godhead for guidance and help. Also, like Israel’s King, your God will make himself known to help you. The help may not be what you think, so ditch your preconceived ideas of what it will look like, but it will come.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalms 146:1


A close personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is an unexpected journey of discovery.

Join me in the journey; it will be life-altering.